Sunday, November 6, 2016

Wikipedia Trails: From Jataka Tales to Clovis Culture

Wikipedia Trails

Jataka Tales-

I was interested in this to begin with because I have been reading the Jataka's and I wanted to know more about the origins.

Sri Lanka-

I was interested in this because I have heard of Sri Lanka before but I do not know much about it. I now know exactly where it is on a map.


I clicked on this because I have done a paleo diet before. I did the diet but was never exactly known where the concept came from.

Clovis Culture-

Clovis culture grabbed my attention because it is a word that I have never seen before. It is the name of an Indian group of Paleolithic people.

Glyptodon_old_drawing.jpg Image from the Wikipedia page for Paleolithic

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