Sunday, November 6, 2016

Learning by Heart: Grace Period

I read the post about time management and not using the grace period. I never really use the grace period because I work in the mornings. However, this is still applicable to me as I sit here typing this post at eleven the night it is due. I find myself using every minute of every due date that is set. this week I will work to do things ahead of schedule. In my experiences it is much more relieving to just get something done and out of the way instead of worrying about when I can find a time to do it.

 Found at hglqb29.jpg this is a photo of Forest Gump explaining time management struggles

1 comment:

  1. I rarely use the grace period as well since I have classes all morning, but for mornings like this when I am running behind, it helps a lot. I also feel that I sometimes push off some of the assignments till the day it is due. Time management is hard to be good at but I am sure you will get there.
