Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading Notes: The Hidden Treasure

The Hidden Treasure
This is the story about a boy who was to be the son of a king until the king was killed. This made his pregnant mother flee the country and the boy grew up unaware of his past. One day he found out that he was the son of a king and decided that he wanted to become a king. One day he left for the land his father once ruled while at the same time the king of that land was dying. That king decided that the person whom his daughter chose and also passed three challenges would become king. The boy came into town and impressed the princess and eventually passed all the challenges to become king. He brought his mother home and became a great king. This sounds like the story I wrote regarding Rama becoming king. Therefor, I do not think this would be a good story for me to write about.

Photo found here. Book available in the reserves of the Bizzell Library at the University of Oklahoma. By: Meera Ugra, M.N. Nangare, and Anant Pai. 

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