Sunday, November 13, 2016

Growth Mindset: Growth Beyond School

This challenge is about challenging yourself to get better and grow in things outside of school. For me I want to get better at consistently working out. I know that working out would help my health both mentally and physically but I have fallen out of the routine. I use to work out every day for many years but the change from being a student athlete to a working student has been tough and my workouts have suffered. I am challenging myself to go workout a few times this week. 

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1 comment:

  1. Before anything else, your meme caught my attention. It all makes sense now! I feel like taking time out to do anything with a college schedule is difficult. We don't really realize how time consuming it can be to study and work harder for a brighter future. It is, however, a blessing but that doesn't change how much hard work is involved.
