Growth Mindset
I have never hear of Carol Dweck but her concept of a growth mindset makes a lot of sense to me. In my school work I often find that I am a part of that fixed mindset. A lot of the times this happens because I am not fully engaged in the material at hand. I find that if I fully commit to the class I don't fall into the fixed mindset as much. As a retired athlete however, I was very much in the growth mindset. I was always looking for new ways to push myself wether it was finding harder drills or just playing against older people. My goal for this semester is to continue growing as a student and maintain my eagerness to learn.
I like this growth mindset, because it really made me think back to your introduction post -- the whole reason that you're into Golf right now is because it's a challenge for you! Specifically a mental and emotional challenge! I have the same love/hate/love (?) relationship with sailing: it's a physical sport, but it's so mental because you have to keep perservering through the ups and downs regardless. There's no getting back to the dock if you just give up! I think your growth mindset here can be easily seen how we take from sports this love of the challenge, and realize that it is within our personality to approach new things in this manner, so the same way we approach education is also applicable: the new, difficult challenge can also be the enjoyable bit! See the cross-overs I'm trying to make here? :)