Prince Vidura guesses the plan that Prince Duryodhana has to kill King Pandu and King Dhritarashtra. Prince Vidura, despite being the son of a slave girl, was very wise. Prince Vidura warns Prince Yudhishthira of the threat that Prince Duryodhana has posed. The Pandavas and queen Kunti get to the place and notice how weird it is for everything to be covered in oil and made of wood. In response to this Prince Vidura calls his family together and tells them about the danger that is looming and about what Prince Duryodhana is planning. They thought up a plan to dig a giant tunnel from the palace to the forest outside. Prince Vidura gets Varanavata, who was a great miner, to come to the place to build this tunnel. Varanavata digs this tunnel at night and during the day they cover it with wood to keep the guards from noticing. When Varanavata finished the tunnel the Pandavas made their escape through it. Once they reached the forrest, Prince Bhima told his family he was going back to the palace to get revenge on the mean guard. So Prince Bhima went back and set the guard tower on fire. This obviously caught the oil slathered, wood palace on fire which just so happened to be holding a group of people that had passed out from drinking wine. These people happened to be of the same number as the Pandavas's and so when the remains were found in the chard palace the people of the city began to mourn. However, when King Dhritarashtra heard the new he began to rejoice because he thought that his plan had worked.
The Indian Heros by C.A. Kincaid
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